Asbestos Insulation, is one type of insulation, which is used for insulating a home or wall. Asbestos is a natural mineral and is used as a building material. Asbestos means a soft grey material that does not burn easily and it is used to protect against heat.
If you want to know more information about asbestos-type insulation and its pros and cons, then yes you are at the correct place on our site. Here you will get more information about all types of insulation and method of insulation. Now, in this article, we will come across more information about Asbestos Insulation. So, let’s start with this interesting topic.

Asbestos Insulation is composed of fibrous minerals of thin and long fibers which make it a good Thermal Insulator. The consistency and texture of Asbestos make insulation very similar to cotton and structure fibers and is effective at slowing the transfer of heat that’s why Asbestos Wall Insulation was considered a great home insulator that can provide us good thermal insulation. We can see, from the early 1900s and onwards of that, that Asbestos Insulation has been largely used in the fields of construction, maritime, industrial as well as commercial products.
But nowadays, most homeowners now a little bit aware of the dangers of the use of Asbestos. Before the 20th-century Asbestos was used as an ideal material for all types of insulation, until its cancer-causing effects were revealed to the public, Asbestos can get harmful only when the particles become airborne or if the insulation is become damaged or disturbed. Asbestos creates serious health issues when the particles are inhaled such as mesothelioma, asbestosis, and lung cancer.
In 1970 EPA declared that asbestos-containing material posed a health hazard and then it was banned means the use of Asbestos is banned except in nuclear energy and military facilities. But before that Asbestos was one of many natural minerals used in the manufacture of building materials in the United States and Canada, because of its durability of Asbestos and high capacity to heat resistance. Asbestos was frequently used in the attic insulation, wall insulation, and spray coating insulation around the heating ducts as well as to pipes. Now will try to understand more information about asbestos, let’s start.
What Is Asbestos Insulation
Asbestos insulation is a material, composed of asbestos fibers bonded with a mixture of Sodium silicate. This asbestos contained insulation used in building construction materials as well as to insulate the home and wrap to pipe for thermal insulation. Cement, plaster, certain brands of batts insulation, and electrical panels all are known as the other types of asbestos-containing insulation. Asbestos can be added to cloth, cement, paper, or plastic to make it very stronger and make an effective insulator.
Asbestos was mostly used and long consider insulation till the 20th century because of its durability and good thermal performance it was very ideal before revealed its health issues and cancer-causing. Asbestos was known as a good additive to all types of insulation material. The fibers of asbestos are very easily pulled apart and it allowed manufacturers to add or mix it with other materials to make a different type of insulation. If they needed insulation then they used asbestos.
Types of Asbestos
According to AHERA (Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act), there are six types of asbestos. AHERA recognizes asbestos is a group of that six natural and unique minerals. which falls into or belongs to two main categories – Amphibole and Serpentine. Amphibole asbestos has fibers with very straight and sharp and unevenly shaped fibers. In this category, we find five types of asbestos and in the Serpentine category, just one kind of asbestos has curly structures fibers.
Chrysotile asbestos
This is white asbestos in the Serpentine Asbestos category. Chrysotile asbestos is mostly used for roofs, walls, ceilings as well as floors of the house. It can be also used in automobiles and as an insulator for ducks and pipes.
Amosite asbestos
This is brown in color and Amosite asbestos widely used for cement sheets and pipe insulation. Also, it can be used for insulating ceilings, boards, and tiles, and for making the product of thermal insulation.
Crocidolite asbestos
It is blue. Crocidolite asbestos is used to insulate steam engines. It was also used in spray-on for coating, pipe insulation, as well as plastic and cement products.
Anthophyllite asbestos
We found it in grey, green or white color. It was used in a very limited quantity in insulation or construction material. This type of asbestos is used in a minimum amount of construction material and its also used in less quantity to make insulation products.
Tremolite asbestos
Tremolite asbestos we found in gray, green, white, or brown. Tremolite is not commercially used but it can be used as a contaminant of vermiculite and talc.
Actinolite asbestos
Actinolite is also gray, green, white, or brown and it’s not used for commercial purposes. Chemically Tremolite and Actinolite are two similar minerals.
There are six main types of asbestos.
Pros and Cons of Asbestos Insulation
Following are the pros and cons of asbestos insulation, it will be helpful to know more about asbestos insulation.
- Asbestos is known for natural fire resistance and its use for insulating roofing, flooring, and Thermal Insulation.
- Asbestos doesn’t burn and that’s why we can use Asbestos near the electrical components or to insulate it.
- We can mix Asbestos with cement and it became longevity compared to plastic and wood as well as make it durable and very stronger.
- We can get Asbestos at a good rate, it is not expensive, and it is available at a cheap price.
- Asbestos is a very good additive with cement with extra durability.
- Like any other material, Asbestos has to need to take proper precautions, because uncarefully used, may create health issues.
- If it happens careless construction methods concerning Asbestos and Asbestos fibers can be lodged into the air.
- If the worker or a carpenter is directly exposed to Asbestos then they can be affected with lung cancer and mesothelioma
- Asbestos-containing materials posed a health hazard.
- So, every homeowner should need to check whether their Asbestos made material shows signs of wear. They should call home inspectors to repair the material.
Types of Asbestos Insulation
Asbestos Insulation is containing Thermal Insulation. It is mostly used to insulate the wall. Asbestos Insulation is divided into 4 major types or categories:
- Loose-Fill Asbestos Insulation
- Asbestos Wrap Insulation
- Asbestos Block Insulation
- Spray-On Asbestos Insulation
Loose-Fill Asbestos Insulation:

Loose-Fill Asbestos Insulation can be identified by its loose, Lumpy form. This insulation is made up by the use of raw asbestos with fine crushed form and is used to install to the roof or an attic. Loose Fill Asbestos Insulation is designed onto attic floors or into hollow spaces of the inside walls. This is also known as Asbestos Attic Insulation.
Asbestos Wrap Insulation:

Asbestos Wrap Insulation is an insulation that’s covering pipes and ducts as well as other plumbing components. They wrapped pipes with Asbestos which is essentially a type of cardboard made out of asbestos paper. This type of insulation becomes crumbly as its ages, if it is damaged or cut out off then it to be replaced. This is also known as Asbestos Wool Insulation; it can also wrap around the pipes.
Asbestos Block Insulation:

Asbestos Block Insulation is one of the simple ways to insulate the walls to glue a slab of insulation to it. In the past, these insulation blocks or boards were made of nearly pure Asbestos. But it creates a major exposure hazard whenever such blocks are sawed or damaged. So, used it carefully.
Spray on Asbestos Insulation:

Spray-on Asbestos Insulation can see in many commercial buildings where the ceiling is coated with a thick layer of gray material. Spray-on insulation is generally developed to reduce the labor to apply insulation and fireproofing materials to ceilings, walls, and beams.
These are four major types of Asbestos Insulation. The other type of Asbestos containing Insulation is…. Plaster, cement, certain brands of batts insulation, and electrical panels.
After revealing and knowing of the dangers of asbestos, many peoples want to insulate property with asbestos-free insulation for them there is also good types of other insulation, which don’t contain asbestos and are known as safe and friendly to insulate home that is –
- Batt/ Blanket Insulation.
- Cellulose Insulation.
- Loose Fill Insulation in Fiberglass.
To Wrap and Summing Up Asbestos Insulation
To sum up all the points we can say, Asbestos insulation can provide good thermal insulation, but it has limitations. If you have asbestos contained insulation material or asbestos insulation, you just do not try to remove it, it will be harmful to you. Don’t try to inspect that toxic material by yourself or closely. You should call some professionals to repair or remove it.
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